After being tagged by Sam (a Michigander don't ya know) it would be rude to not tag (haha get it) along. Nevertheless with moving, this summer has been weird - the weather which is a little colder than normal, but still in the high 20's all the same, is throwing me off my mark.
What's your favorite thing about summer?
Although we haven't had any - I love BBQs and summer shandy, being able to sit out into the evening, all the light for crafting.
Do you have a favorite summer drink?
I wouldn't say I necessarily drink anything more because it's summer but I do enjoy brewing my own iced tea, adding in some lemon juice. Even adding some rum into on an evening. Oh how the Rachael ten years ago would frown at me for even thinking about drinking iced tea. How things change.
Is there a location you prefer to go in the summer?
Back in the UK I'd say the beach, here it's more anywhere indoors with AC when it's a proper hot day. You can't really do too much when summer hits it's height. Saying that summer is the perfect time for hitting yardsales plus estate sales are everywhere on a Saturday during the summer which is always fun because you never know what you might find!
Favorite make up look for the summer?
Makeup-less, is that a look? Urgh make up + my English heat levels + Michigan summer = not an attractive look.
Dresses or skirts?
Neither ... shorts at a push
Sandals or ballet pumps?
Actually normally shoe less in and around the house and garden, estate sales/work/gardening doesn't call for sandals, plus I hate seeing toes ewwww.
Do you prefer to wear your hair up or down for the summer?
I vary between both - summer nights means I dry my hair naturally and it's natural curl kits back in which makes it nice enough for keeping down. But if i'm working and, or outside, it normally ends up being up, in some messy sort of way.
Deep smokey eyes or bold lips?
Even at 27, me and make up don't go well together, pass.
Favorite perfume for summer?
Perfume actually tends to give me a headache so I stay away from it a lot of the time, but Daisy is always a winner if needs be.