Sunday, 13 November 2011

LIFE: American Style Monday

After sorting my first lot of photographs, I thought I would show stuff from the first few days. Settling into America has been like a duck taking to water, my body fixed itself into the correct time and it's never gone back [saying that i've developed the inability of not being able to sleep past 7am]. To try and win Ed [the kitty] over was the first battle, saying that she's a gorgeous kitty with the biggest eyes but she does like to partake in staring contests. I'm trying to win her over by feeding her, its working if only slowly.

Those who follow me on twitter will know how much i'm rating the "blue" mountain dew - I know in the UK we get the green version, but my word the blue is good! My first food experience was the huge pizza from Green Lantern, apparently they're rated very highly in the area. American's know how to make their pizzas! I've developed a thing for taking photographs while Joe's driving. The roads are crazy however, coming from a rural background i've been use to two to four lanes of traffic in both directions, here it's like two or eight! Freeway driving is a bit of an experience too. In comparison British people seem very remote, keeping in the same lane, here its every car for itself with weaving and tail gating and flying off changes. Road rage is an everyday occurrence for all involved it seems. I never thought I could be this happy, life is good. 


  1. It sounds like you're settling in fast and having a great time! It's good to finally see you in America :) xxx

  2. So glad to hear everything is going well for you, God knows you deserve it! I'm sure Ed will come round to you... Make sure you keep us up to date lovely!


  3. Thank you, yeah Ed's warming to me, she was sitting at my feet last night and she's more up for me stroking her.

  4. So glad to hear you are happy! cute kitty! And yes, America is filled with road rage LOL and good pizza..except in California, everyone says the pizza is nasty there. haha

  5. Some of the most beautiful scenes I see is when I'm in a car! I've gotten into the habit of taking pictures too!

    Glad to hear your settling in, sounds like its ment to be!

    I love your cute little cat too!

    Girl about Town XxX

  6. I'm so glad everything is going well. Enjoy!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  7. Looks awesome! at least the grey skies can remind you a bit of back here! XX

  8. ooh i've had the blue mountain dew, so yummy! glad to hear that you're having a great time :)

  9. Wow it sounds like you're home at last, I'm so glad.

  10. HAHAHA! Oh driving here in the US is great fun :) and I've never HAD blue Mt. Dew, isn't that crazy? AFter your tweets though, I always get super curious!

  11. What a gorgeous face Ed has!

    Elspeth xxx

  12. Nice pics.....yes, and even the cat! The cat actually looks sweet. Glad to hear you are adjusting so well. Can't wait for more!

  13. You need to try Baja Blast from Taco Bell, it's the best mountain dew around , haha. I'm glad to hear your settling just fine!

    xoxo mama wolf.

  14. What a gorgeous kitty! It sounds like you're adjusting really well.

  15. Rachel! I've given you an award, check it out

  16. @ Mama - yeah I had some of the Taco Mountain Dew too - omg its tooooo nice!!

    @ Char - thank you lovely! x

  17. Glad to hear everything is going well and your enjoying life in the US! :) x

  18. I'm so glad you're settling in well and are happy, long may it continue I say!

  19. Thank you everyone - have a load more posts to get published once I find the proper time to get them finished!

  20. nice pics, the cat is cute! Sounds like you are taking like a duck to water life in USA! x
