Monday, 11 February 2013

Finding Your Home

In recent weeks we've decided we're going to be saving up for our first place. Yey for no more renting, annoying loud neighbours, landlords that ask for more money and do less and more room for our finds. It's all happened alongside me rethinking my views on my homeland and we're I see my future. 

Once upon a time I had envisioned us perhaps settling in the UK. Yet this is pretty much an unrealistic possibility. The Torries have effectively curbed any of our chances of returning - they've drastcially altered the requirements for spouse migraton into the UK if you're married to a non EU citizen. So we'd basically never be able to afford to move back (when I say that I'm not joking - we'd never have the monetary requirements for the amount of savings they'd want us to have). But there probably wouldn't be a country to return too. What finished it off was the plus of some people sharing facebook statuses calling for the UK to get a backbone - cull progressive liberalism and end migration - oh and for take over of the BNP. I don't want to belong in a country like that. I'm somewhat ashamed that people don't care to stand up to what the government is doing to their country  and especially to the NHS.

Don't get me wrong the US has it's issues - there's things I don't agree with - like guns and the lack of gun control, I dislike how influential religion is when it comes to politics, issues with (the lack of) women's rights and the attitudes by the right towards homosexuality and gay marriage. 

In two years the UK will be heading to the voting booths, but in two years I can additionally apply for US citizenship. Granted if and when your granted citizenship I don't have to denounce my UK citizenship but the more I think about it, and the more I compare to how things are in the UK the more I want to be settling at this side of the pond. Does this make me sad, a little, more angry at how the UK treats it's expats - and until it changes said attitudes I don't want much to do with it.

Saying that its going to take us probably a year to save up so I can't say farewell to these horrid walls until then. 


  1. Good luck saving up for you first home! My husband and I have started doing the same this year, I was wondering if buying a house is cheaper/easier in the US than in the UK (we're opposite you and your husband, I immigrated to the UK, but before the crazy financial requirement changes). It seems like all my friends in the states all have mortgages, but it's going to take us a good 2-3 years to save up for a deposit here (I know it differs on the area, etc). Owning your own home is a really exciting prospect though and it will be worth the wait! x

    1. Certainly cheaper buying a house here then the UK that is for sure from the quick little bit of research i've done already.

  2. I know how you feel. I moved from California known to be progressive and more laid back to Northern Nevada where I see people HATE California. There's no reason for it they just hate California. The hubby and I are liberals and have to be careful with what we say to who. I shouldn't have to curve my opinion because others are ignorant of the subject and don't like what is MY opinion. I love the area we live in and wouldn't mind setting up a homestead but I don't know if I would want to raise children around here. I see 13 year olds smoking in the car with their moms or dads. It was a HUGE shock to see that. That means the parents are providing the cigarettes to minors. You would think they would want what's best for their children but no they're allowing a child to poison itself before time.

  3. Owning your own home is something everyone needs to experience! I wish you guys all the luck and planning whether it be in the U.S. or back in the U.K.! =)

    Ergo - Blog

  4. I think you are so brave and amazing :) and I am constantly stunned at how the uk treats its honest, hardworking citizens. I was shocked when you said you couldn't come home, how do you feel about it? When the government sorts itself out (or if...) things may change. I feel sad that the Uk won't welcome back someone whose home it is. I love this country, but some bits need to man up and sort it out :)

  5. I'm feeling incredibly proud to be British at present, I think the Gay Marriage vote passing by a whopping landslide of 400 for and 175 against in the house of commons demonstrates pretty well what a tolerant place we can be, and the sheer number of tweets and endless trending of #equalmarriage/texts/Facebook updates/blog posts in support of it on the day warmed my heart! :-) I disagree with what you wrote about people in the UK not making their feelings known on government policies - the reason the Gay Marriage vote passed was BECAUSE people wrote to their MPs, campaigned, tweeted and made it known that equal marriage was what we wanted. I'm not sure who your friends on FB are sharing pro-BNP views but I'd suggest a cull!!

    Completely agree we have our problems however, although groups like 38 Degrees have sprung up all over the place to put pressure on the government where it counts; the NHS, the proposed Nuclear dump in the Lake District (which was stopped due to the people taking action), privacy for UK citizens.

    I'm not a Tory, I hope they are creamed at the next election - mainly for their systematic damage to the NHS and their policies reducing help for the disabled, not to mention the tuition fees debacle - NOT in my name Mr Cameron . . . . I'd argue pretty strenuously that BNP sympathisers are very much the minority in this country!!!

    The ex-Pat thing though - could not be more on board with you. I think the whole thing is a disaster - all very well to welcome home Brits with open arms, but the issues with non-EU spouses make my blood boil. I cannot see why the government have taken such measures, I have one friend who just married a Japanese woman he met while teaching out there and they are having such a headache sorting out coming back to Britain because of her nationality. Although my father in law and his wife who is Indonesian have so far had a relatively positive experience. I can completely understand why the headache of coming home doesn't appeal in the slightest given the craziness you had to go through just to get out to the US to live!!

    Jem xXx

  6. It's such a tough issue - I really feel for you and Joe, but home is where the heart is and I truly believe if you are with the right person, then logistically it doesn't matter if you settle for here or the US, your heart is in the right place and that is all that matters xxx

  7. Husband and I also hope to own a home in the USA one day - we're having fun looking up potential properties and going to open houses. We are nowhere near able to afford it yet, but these activities make me feel more and more like this place is home.
