Monday, 10 October 2011

Part fourteen - America calling

Today I woke up with that achy feeling you get after crying too much and from not having enough sleep. Two sleepless nights and feeling pushes to the limit with the visa finally took its toll. What didn't help matters was a comment on the visa forum that the embassy wouldn't be open today because it's and American bank holiday so i wouldn't be able to sort my payment out. Something however made me go later into work, something made me give them a call just to see if they were open. And thankfully, they were! So now i'm all paid up, receipt in hand and I can wander off to London knowing that pretty much everything is as sorted as it ever could be.

The next post here won't be till after its all sorted, whatever the outcome. If anyone has any spare luck going, feel free to send it my way! But if you fancy knowing the outcome sooner then it'll probably be getting posted upon my twitter

Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck Rachael, I hope everything goes smoothly from now on! I admire you for sticking with it til the end. I'm sure everything will be fine :)

    Do let us know how it all goes won't you?

    Zoe xoxo

  2. Thank you Zoe, I certainly will even if its just a tiny quick post when I get back wednesday night x

  3. Glad you got to get it sorted today, hope it all goes to plan... good luck x

  4. Glad you got it sorted and lots and lots of good luck heading your way! x

  5. I am actually so gripped to this now! I'm routing for you, Good Luck!! Xx

  6. Good luck sweetie! My thoughts are with you x

  7. Good luck- hope everything goes smoothly! x

  8. Good luck- hope it all goes smoothly! x

  9. Thank you everyone, really helps knowing you back me up!

  10. Best of luck, Rachael! :) I knew things would eventually fall into it's rightful places. *sending all my positive energy & love* <3

  11. Sending you the luck I have, keep your chin up and it will all work out well. Scarlett x

  12. good luck, Rachael! I'm sending you some good vibes right now!

  13. Very best of luck honey, really, really hope it works out with minimal stress from now onward!

    Jem xXX

  14. The very best of good luck wishes coming your way lovely, God knows you deserve it! You'll be fine, it'll all work out :)


  15. lots and lots of luck sent your way!

  16. Best of luck and I'm sure everything will work out perfectly!

  17. I'm wishing you the best of luck! I'm so glad you got everything sorted in time!

    Fingers crossed.

    Em x

  18. Good Luck! Gutted to hear it's been causing you so much upset :( chin up hun! x

  19. I have everything crossed for you x

  20. I woke up feeling the same way this morning..

  21. Best of luck! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you :)

  22. oh dear. i teally hope it works out x
