Sunday, 29 December 2013

LIFE: Closing the Door Upon Another Year

Polar Bear Detroit Zoo Detroit Apples

2013 seems to have vanished into the same black hole that my missing socks end up in. Time really does seem to go a lot fast as a grown up - it's weird. I will admit to not have blogged as much in 2013 than previous years - the year also nearly saw me pressing the delete button - I'm glad I didn't (most of the time although I often doubt if this blog is actually any good).

To step into the future, we need to acknowledge the past and in doing so I'm sharing the bits, the pieces, the places and things that I've loved doing and experiencing in the 365 days. Hopefully this will also be a great introduction for those of you (many of you whom I'm very grateful for) that added me over the last couple of weeks to your reading list.


Everyone knows Detroit applied for as was approved to enter bankruptcy proceedings - the true effect of this upon the city and region will come to light in the forthcoming years. While we don't get down into the city has often as we could, I hope Dear Ms Leigh comes to portrayal Detroit in a more positive light then you might come to see and read in the media. We've spent days at the Detroit Institute of the Arts and had a great time at the Jazz Festival that will be a certain point to return to in 2014. In the boarder Michigan travels, I've experience the most magical and beautiful Mid West autumn colours, explored off the road places and went off the communication trail (there's still many more of these updates to come). We had fun exploring some more of Pittsburgh, tested my head for heights upon Mt. Washington and had even more fun zoo times. 


The Detroit tradition of the Coney Island Dog, and American attempt at a Cornish Pastie, and even baking them myself. The fun of baking mountains of apple pies and crumbles after visiting an orchard at falls arrival to finishing off the festive year with home made cranberry sauce.


Another year as an expat and I'm still learning how to cope and live with being in another country. From finding my home in America and dealing with immigration guilt to the smaller but all important elements of Christmas differences. Nevertheless, I'm already stressing about having to renew my green card next year!

Thank you to all the long time and new readers that have found, read and comment upon my blog. I'd love to hear what you love (or even don't love) to see on my blog and anything you'd love to see more of in 2014!

Who's ready for 2014?!


  1. So sad about Detroit. Not sure what needs to happen to bring life back to what once was a flourishing city. I hope your 2014 is amazing! -Jessica L

    1. Thank you!

      If you were to believe the media - nothing positive happens here to ever bring back hope. But there is actually a lot of life and progress going on - there's a lot of new business opening Downtown, there's a vibrant restaurant scene that's growing people are buying up and redeveloping buildings, there's a huge new public transport system going on, and the state has taken over Belle Isle and hopefully return it to the beauty it once was. The media hates to depict the positives of the city - yes it's bankrupt but it's not dead. But they don't want you to hear that message.

  2. I hope 2014 is bloody brilliant for you x

  3. I'm definitely ready to put 2013 behind me and see if 2014 will be better. I have my fingers crossed anyway.

    Hope 2014 is amazing for you :)

    Debi x

    1. I hope you have a wonderful new year and a great 2014!

  4. I really enjoy reading about your life as an expat. My boyfriend and I are also expats, in Belgium (from the UK) and I hope to start writing some more about our expat life on my blog next year. I'm new around here so I'm just starting to get back into the swing of blogging (since my teen days... but let's pretend that never happened).

    I'm actually very interested in the US and being an expat there, many times I think I would love to move to there.

    I'm looking forward to following your journey in 2014!! :)

    1. Aw thank you - it's always nice to met fellow expats regardless of what country they now call home! 2014 will be my third year in the US but i'm always finding out new things and still have a tonne of places to visit where we live yet along Michigan and further afield - I hope you carry on enjoying the posts and what I come to share :)
