Sunday, 5 January 2014

RECYCLE: Donate Your Christmas Cards

Greetings Cards

As we all take our Christmas trees down for another year, stop before you throw out your old Christmas Cards. If you're not thinking of recycling them yourself, why not donate them?

If you're in the US why not donate your used Christmas (and greeting cards year round) to St. Judes? The St. Jude Ranch recycles used greetings cards crafting new ones to raise money in order to provided services for neglected, homeless and abused children, young adults and families.

There are a couple of restrictions which, with the mailing address can be found here.

If you're in my British homeland there are still a number of ways to recycle your cards - make sure to check out the Recycle Now website to find out what's available and where in your area!

What do you do with your old Christmas cards?


  1. That is such a great idea! x

  2. St Jude's Ranch sounds like an ideal place to donate your old Christmas cards. I know that most of the big supermarkets are offering to take them over here or you can put them out for the roadside recycling but I've not heard of them being used for a cause as good as yours. The walls seem bare now they are down, don't they?

    1. Our apartment feels very bare without the tree that is for sure! I did intend to make Christmas gift tags from the cards, but knowing me it's something I'll say I do and never get around to, if they have a need and a use for them then I'd rather they have them!

  3. I am a Brownie Leader so we collect all our old cards and the Brownies get hours of fun cutting and sticking them back together. They love it and it cost's us nothing :) x

    1. Oh I can imagine just how much fun that would be for them!

  4. I keep every card I get - not that I get too many these days.. but this is a great idea for all those people that just chuck them out.

    1. It's great that you keep yours - I collect a tonne of other personal stuff so i'm okay with letting my cards go - although I am keeping our special (anniversary, wedding) ones for sure.

  5. THIS is a great idea! Didn't know you could even donate them somewhere :)! I keep sentimental ones but there are some that my family and I usually do just recycle so donating them is a great option!

    1. Def - I keep all our special ones but all the rest I'm more than happy to donate or recycle them!

  6. That's such a lovely idea!
    I tend to cut ours up to make gift tags for next year, and the offcuts go in the recycling :)

    Jess xo

    1. Yeah I was thinking of cutting ours up into using gift tags this year, especially as me and the husband don't use them and we have a couple of confusing minutes trying to work out who's gift was who's. But I actually don't think it'll be something that I do, even though I intend to do it, if that makes sense.

  7. I gave all my cards that didn't have glitter on to my gerbils!! They are loving it and every so often I chuck a piece in for them to have a good chew on. It makes a nice change for them from toilet roll tubes which is their normal source of cardboard!

    1. That sounds awesome - I can imagine they love that!
