Wednesday, 1 February 2012

The case of the glass throat

It feels like an age since I've been felt up to writing a post and yet one of the comforts of the last few days has been reading other peoples. It was a week ago today that I started feeling ill with a really sore throat which i put down to tonsillitis which I stupidly considered would go away by itself. I was thinking that till around 8pm on Saturday night when I was taken over by the greatest pain and ache in my throat that I've ever experienced to the point of barely being able to speak yet alone eat and the act of swallowing felt that my throat was coated in little shards of glass that was ripping it to shreds. A night on the sofa fazing in and out of sleep - which was rather limited to three hours because of the pain resulted in spending Sunday at the Urgent Care Doctors and being told I possibly had Strep Throat [yeah still not sure the different between tonsillitis and strep throat but ya know]. With the help of gargling salt water and some antibiotics we seem to be finally getting somewhere, although I sound like I have a goldfish in my throat. Nice!

Not only this but I've been stressing a lot lately [to the point of my fingers and elbows becoming covered in my stress rashes] about filing for residency and all the hassle we had with another medical for the paperwork. When we sent the forms off we'd filled an extra form for the homeland security department to email us when they received the package. I was panicking because we hadn't heard anything but luckily last night, ten days after posting it we finally got an email. I know I haven't really written anything about this next chapter in the visa/residency lark like I did when getting my original visa, I'm not sure if it would be readable or enjoyable, but would you be interested in hearing more?

And to add to that, I've been stressing wondering if I'm being selfish because I don't miss being in the UK, like I'm not homesick nor do I really miss my parents. Yet when I was at university and merely a two hour drive away I did. After being here nearly three months shouldn't I miss things?


  1. Hope that sore throat clears up soon, there's nothing worse and all that stress can't help.
    It's brilliant that you aren't missing home, it's not selfishness just proof that you've made the right decision and you're living life as you want to. x

    1. Thank you Vix, that really helped, just get paranoid that I should be missing my parents more or something because I can tell how much they are missing me and I get guilty that I don't feel the same way?

  2. Are you sure it isnt Laryngitis? Thats what I had and it sounds exactly the same as what you have! as Vix says, you arent selfish at all but you have clearly made the right decision! Xx

    1. Maybe? I don't know the Dr just said it was Strep throat because of having loads of lovely ikky white pus on my tonsils and being sick alot. Either way the antibiotics seem to be doing some good.

  3. So sorry for your illness but glad you are doing better. As for not missing home....I agree with Vix and that it shows you made the right choice and you are happy. That's most important.

    1. Definately, I wouldn't change living with my boy for anything in the world. :D

  4. I hope you get back to feeling 100% soon! Don't feel selfish, you have fought so hard to get to America, you deserve to feel like you are home and not missing the uk! X

    1. That is true Char! America does feel like home though, maybe because I don't have the stress of having a long distance relationship and a job I hated but I do feel a lot more relaxed and at ease with myself as a person and everything around me.

  5. I hope you feel much better oson x

  6. Aww I sorry to hear that you're ill, but at least it sounds like you're on the mend. And I don't think it's selfish at all that you don't miss the UK. You made a home for yourself in America with the man you love. If you had been away from you're fella and you weren't missing him, now I'd be worrying. I'm really close to my parents (not in a creepy way) but I could go ages without seeing them as longs as I've got my husband. That's love for you.
    I love reading your posts about you're new life, so I think if you want to write about your visa progress, then go for it. I for one would love to read it. x

    1. Yeah I definitely get your point if it was the other way around and not missing the boy, ah the days when we were miles apart was just achingly awful. I think that is why I get stressed about my residency forms because I really don't want to go back and have to reapply or get Joe over to the UK merely because of being apart again [aahh]. I guess love wins over everything, that's the magic of it.

  7. Oh sweet a sore throat is so horrible, you poor thing. Hope you are on the mend.
    Stress is understandable when you are making steps that have a big bearing on your future. Just keep chasing happiness.
    Love v

    1. Thank you hun, I'm a stress head normally so with being ill and paperwork and Drs I think it just all got to me at the weekend and my body went into slight shut down.

  8. I hope you are feeling better soon!
    I don't think you should feel guilty about missing home, you obviously are very happy and settled in your new life. It doesn't mean that people don't miss you, but it does mean that you can cherish the life you have chosen and know that when you do get to see your family again, it will be amazing xxx

    1. Yeah, just not sure my parents see it that way.

  9. Poor you, it sounds awful. Hope you get well soon. :-) x

  10. Oh my goodness I hope you feel lots better soon! I also get rashes when I am stressed too and its horrible. Get well lady :) xx

    1. Ah they are awful aren't they?! Luckily they weren't itchy this time, sometimes they drive me mad when they start itching!

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you, it's something i've never heard of before. Don't think I want to see it ever again either!

  12. Hope you feel better soon! No I don't think you're selfish for not missing it. This is your life now, enjoy it while you can. You can always go back to visit them anytime. I'm not in a different country than my family..but I don't miss them LOL Once I moved out of my parents house and moved felt good to be on my own and not have to worry about them.

    1. Yeah I know what you mean, I mean I think one of the worse things I did was go back home after university and being away for four years when they had started getting use to being without me. And then to finally go at 25 and possibly doing it rather drastically over to the States. I just don't think they take it all very well and here's me not missing them ya know. Ah the torment!

  13. Sore throats are the worst! Last time I had one I was crying the pain was so bad. I hope you feel better. Maybe because your parents weren't supportive is a reason why you don't miss them so much. xx

    1. I think you have a very good point there with them not being supportive and just because I love having the freedom that I never had at home. I guess all those factors come into it too. Thank you!

  14. I'm sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well!!! I really hate it when I get sick, especially when it involved my nose/throat. Icky ick! Also, I don't think it's wrong to not miss "home" especially because you're with your hubby now!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

    1. Yeah nose and throat illness are very ikky, when the basic things like swallowing just kills its just so painful!

  15. Hope you feel better soon.
    When our parents moved to Arizona. 2 years ago, we did not miss then for almost
    a year and then we really did miss them and talking on the phone did not help
    that! And we know out Mother really misses "her Babies" so we try
    to visit as often as we can. So my guess is at some point you will miss being
    home and your Parents. So not to worry.
    Please take good care of that throat.K?
    Love You, Joan and Joann

    1. Yeah i'm not sure when i'll be able to get back to the UK and I know because of the price of plane tickets there it won't be often. Ah well get to that bridge if and when it occurs!

  16. PS...Love your picture of the cute sick bear with the bandaid. So Cute.
    Very creative of you.
    Love You, Joan and Joann

  17. I hope you feel better soon :(
    I would be interested in hearing about this next wee visa chapter.
    I think the fact that you're not missing home shows how perfect and great you life is in America with Joe :)

    1. Thank you Hazel! Yeah life is definitely good at the moment - well apart from catching all the American viruses going lol
