Wednesday, 15 February 2012

LIFE: Close With Smokey

Smokey let me grab these photographs of him while he was in one of his favorite places - his bed. Due to all the loving you showed us and this little guy when I introduced him last week I thought I would keep you updated on him adventures. As soon as we turned off the lights the first night, he crawled from under our bed and onto the window still [his second favorite home] this is something he repeats every night once the lights go out. After spending a couple of hours with him on Friday he grew braver, crawling upon the bed, snuggling with us. He is a huge ball of love, craves attention, loves his tummy tickled and being held. Reading up about Russian Blue as a cat breed they are said to be very intelligent, playful and empathic to their human companions all of which are true with this little dude. 

The big step was the introduction of Ed. Sunday was the first attempt we've been doing it every day for a couple of hours, each time a little longer - today I'm planning on letting them be together for most of the day. While we haven't had any fights, Ed hisses when Smokey gets too close and she watches him like a hawk. Smokey is curious and goes off wandering around the apartment then remembers Ed and freezes. Other times they get face to face and Ed doesn't hiss. So I can't tell if we're getting anywhere or not. This was never going to be easy and I wonder how long it will take before Ed gets comfy [if at all] with Smokey. I feel like the over protective mother because I feel for Smokey because I know it takes a lot for him to come out of the bedroom and I know he just wants to play and be friendly. Ah!


  1. Smokey is adorable. I used to have a Russian blue as a kid and her name was Dusty Marie :] I hope your cats eventually get along.

    1. Aw Dusty Marie was a cute name! I think they'll get there eventually.

  2. Replies
    1. He really is, I could bundle him up and squeeeeze him for hours!

  3. Replies
    1. I know, I never thought a kitty would complete with how much I loved my old cat, but Smokey is a dream.

  4. oh my gosh, i'm not a huge cat person but these images are SOOOOO cute!
    xo TJ

    1. I know, I think its because he's so little and shy! He radiates cuteness.

  5. He is too adorable. I hope they can become best friends soon (just realised how childish that sounds, but I'm keeping it)

    1. But it's true, I want them to be friends so they could actually curl up and sleep together but I fear we're way way away from that atm.

  6. Hi Smokey! You are so adorable and cute and sweet and adorable and darling and adorable!

    ♥ laura
    the blog of worldly delights

  7. I love your cat! So cute! My sister has 6 cats (Yep, not kiddin') :D

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  8. Now that is cuteness in a bundle! My grandmother has had Russian Blues for a while and they have the most lovely temperament, so I hope both your kitties can adjust to each other as I'm sure once they do, they'll be great.
