Friday 22 November 2013

LIFE: The Kennedy Car


The 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy has this week, been across all the media outlets. Be it discussing his work for human equality, conspiracy theories to at least within regional sources his links to Detroit, it's everywhere. Within the metro Detroit region region, this historic milestone casts a look towards the 1961 Lincoln in which drove Kennedy and his wife through Dallas, the car which now sits within the Henry Ford Museum which we visited back in 2011. 

Many are surprised that the car lives on, even more so when they find out it's on show within a museum. In fact rather then being decommissioned after the assassination the Lincoln served another 13 years in service to the White House although it was rebuilt - upgraded with bullet proof armor and a permanent roof attached. After it's service the Lincoln was donated by the Ford Motor Co., to the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn. Today the car sits alongside other presidential vehicles on display with an eerie presence, I remember how noticeable it was that people were stopping to look in silence, especially when you consider how huge the museum is, people are walking and looking, but at the Lincoln, they stop and reflect. 

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