Monday 2 December 2013

LIFE: Thanksgiving in Pittsburgh

Snow Turnpike PA Snowy PA Pittsburgh Christmas Tree Snowy Hill Primanti Bros Pittsburgh

As everyone in the blogging world seems to have spent the last weekend decorating everything and anything with Christmas decorations, I'm recovering from a somewhat short noticed and whirlwind like visit back to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving. As America was waking up to Thanksgiving morning we were well into our journey across the states during a couple of sharp snow showers - the first we've been in for the season, curled up under a blanket in the car watching the snowy world go by. While the trip was mainly for family reasons Joe managed to show me from more of the city he grew up near - many of which I'll get around to sharing across the next couple of weeks (so if you're sick of Christmas posts everywhere else they might be welcome read).

How was your weekend? 


  1. I would love to visit Pittsburgh, for some reason it's an American city that has always appealed to me. I don't know why!

    Gorgeous photos - that Christmas tree is immense!

    1. Yeah I love driving through big American city downtowns especially Pittsburgh because it has a great mix of older and newer buildings. Wish we had found the time to get closer to the Christmas Tree, it looks huge doesn't it?!

  2. I love the picture of the people skating around the tree - it almost looks like a painting! (They are skating, right?)

    1. I believe so, it was taken from a far way over the river but the tree stood out a mile!
